Sunday, April 13, 2014

Post and Courier Article on Cooper Client in Latham Case

Latham case co-defendant may get pre-trial diversion

  • Posted: March 28, 2014
One of the co-defendants in a Charleston murder-for-hire case that targeted a former bank executive’s estranged wife might not go to prison. Rachel Palmer of Louisville, Ky., was recommended for a pre-trial diversion program, according to court records. Her boyfriend, 38-year-old Samuel Yenawine, also of Louisville, also was charged in the case.
Yenawine was accused of being hired to kill Nancy Cannon, who was married to Chris Latham, 51, of Charleston at the time. Yenawine killed himself at the Georgetown County jail while awaiting trial.
Yenawine sent Palmer, who was pregnant at the time, a suicide note apologizing to her and expressing his love, according to a State Law Enforcement Division report.
Palmer was indicted with three counts for her alleged involvement in the scheme. She did not travel to South Carolina but was aware Yenawine had been hired for the plot to kill Cannon, according to court testimony. It remains unclear what other involvement she may have played but during Moore and Latham’s trial, she did not testify and little was mentioned of her.
Latham and his girlfriend, 38-year-old Wendy Moore were convicted for their roles in the plot. Another co-defendant, Aaron Wilkinson, 40, of Louisville, Ky., whose impromptu confession in April 2013 foiled the plan, was sentenced to four years in prison Wednesday.
Palmer’s attorney, Lindsey Cooper, of Charleston, requested Wednesday that Palmer, be removed from house arrest and electronic monitoring, according to court records.
Palmer has been on house arrest since May 28, 2013, and “has been completely compliant and cooperative,” the request stated.
In his request, Cooper stated Palmer is the only defendant left in the case and has been recommended for pre-trial diversion.
If Palmer is approved to enter the pre-trial program, the court would decide the level of supervision, which could include employment, counseling, education, job training or psychiatric care, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Many courts have required restitution or forms of community service as part of the pre-trial program.
If Palmer were to successfully complete the program, the U.S. Attorney’s Office would then decline prosecuting her.
Cooper could not be reached for comment Thursday.
Reach Natalie Caula Hauff at 937-5594 or

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